Sunday, July 21, 2024

Monday, July 15th, 2024, screening of independent director Miguel Faus' s Spanish-language satirical drama CALLADITA (The Quiet Maid) Europe's first NFT funded new film and television platform via Bingeable unviels a new dynamic.

Nestled within a script, tailormade for aspiring actors and buttressed on all sides with a star-studded cast, which included, actors Ariadna Gil (Pan’s Labyrinth), Luis Bermejo, Pol Hermoso, Violeta Rodriguez, Nany Tovar, and the "quiet maid" herself , Paula Grimaldo, who stole every scene, while carrying the entire film---Miguel Faus' s Spanish-language satirical drama CALLADITA (The Quiet Maid)---on her pretty shoulders,  Monday, July 15th, 2024,  Harmony Gold Theater - 7655 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90046, showcased remarkable performances.

  In addition, screenwriter, director and producer's, Miguel Faus, collaborating with the magic of directors Academy Award winner Steven Soderbergh and Roman Capollo--son of famed "Godfather" director Francis Ford Capollo-----launched CALLADITA ,(The Quiet Maid), Europe's first NFT funded new film and television platform via Bingeable, and Decentralized pictures, harnessing a bitcoin type funding dynamic, which may be a gamechanger , as it gives filmmakers new alternatives and much more power regarding film funding.

The film, according to Faus, is designed to illuminate the plight of migrants, without papers, who attempt to branch out and make a new life. The main character, played by Grimaldo is a maid, who has two chances, seemingly few and none, as her bosses lied to her about providing her relief from her arduous domestic worker chosen path with papers. Upon sensing that "The quiet one" is not as meek and pliable as once thought, management decides to fire her, and have her returned from whence she came. However, the maid shows them what is under her quiet demeanor, unbeknownst to them, by flipping the script on their son, who tried to blackmail her into having sex, gangbang style with a herd of men, and snatches his digital money via a most cunning style, most stealthily and most quietly. 

Founded by legendary director/producers, Francis Ford Capollo(GodFather) and George Lucas(Star Wars), Decentralized Pictures, a non profit, in 1969, provides access to a duality in that entertainment professionals are available to help first time filmmakers, via their cofounding partner Zoetrope, to get mentorship and funding. 

Similarly, Bingeable utilizes blockchain-backed decentralized marketing, according to, and then synergizes marketing, distribution and more through the NFT mode. The uniqueness of this new medium is defined and elaborated in depth in the article, by by Kyryl Sidak Data Scientist, ML Engineer,    "NFT in Blockchain Exploring, the Intersection of Digital Assets and Blockchain Technology". It is as follows:

NFT in Blockchains

Exploring the Intersection of Digital Assets and Blockchain Technology

by Kyryl Sidak

Data Scientist, ML Engineer

May 20247 min read


Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have revolutionized the way we perceive digital ownership and value. Rooted in blockchain technology, NFTs provide a secure and verifiable method to represent ownership of unique digital assets. This article delves into the fundamentals of NFTs, their connection with blockchain technology, and their broader implications for various industries.

What are NFTs?

NFTs are digital assets that represent ownership or proof of authenticity of a unique item or piece of content, often in digital form. Unlike cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, which are fungible and can be exchanged on a one-to-one basis, NFTs are unique and non-interchangeable.

NFTs can represent a wide range of digital and physical assets. For example, a piece of digital artwork, a video clip, music tracks, virtual real estate, or even tweets can be minted as NFTs. The unique aspect of NFTs lies in their ability to prove ownership and authenticity, making them invaluable for artists, creators, and collectors.

Example of an NFT:

  • Digital Art: A unique piece of digital artwork by an artist, verified on the blockchain.
  • Virtual Real Estate: Ownership of virtual land in a digital world, such as Decentraland.
  • Collectibles: Unique digital trading cards or virtual pets.

NFTs are powered by smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. These smart contracts reside on blockchain networks, ensuring that the ownership and transfer of NFTs are secure and transparent.

How NFTs Work

NFTs leverage blockchain technology to provide a decentralized, immutable record of ownership and transaction history. When an NFT is created (or "minted"), it is recorded on the blockchain, along with metadata that describes the asset. This ensures that the NFT is unique and can be tracked across its lifecycle.

Key Characteristics of NFTs:

  • Uniqueness: Each NFT has distinct information or attributes that set it apart from other tokens.
  • Ownership: Ownership of NFTs is verifiable and traceable on the blockchain.
  • Interoperability: NFTs can be used across different platforms and applications, thanks to standardized protocols like ERC-721 and ERC-1155.

The uniqueness of NFTs is ensured by their metadata, which can include information such as the creator's details, the creation date, and a description of the asset. This metadata is often stored off-chain, with a reference or hash stored on-chain to maintain the link between the asset and its metadata.

In conclusion, one can join the Bingeable and the Decentralized platfrms and not only get help, as many new doors are opened to opportunities for funding and mentorship but also, one can get paid using them, as well! 

This film is quite good. I recommend seeing the quiet maid's poolside manner scene, in which she receives a cool poolside "hello", from her new male pal via an online dating site on a nice big pink floating Flamingo. Quite a rubber duckie moment for sure,


 Paula Grimaldo, Ariadna Gil, Luis Bermejo, Pol Hermoso

 Paula Grimaldo, Ariadna Gil, Luis Bermejo, Pol Hermoso

Friday, July 5, 2024


From June 25th-27th, 2024, the Peninsula Hotel, located at 9882 S. Santa Monica Boulevard in Beverly Hills hosted an incredible trifecta cocktail reception, culminating with an amazing auction which was facilitated through Julien's Auctions, of the late Princess Diana's Royal famous clothing. 

The beloved Princess's dresses, coats, hats, shoes, and bags, which had dazzled hundreds of thousands via a tour through Hong Kong, Ireland, and New York landed in Los Angeles like a tornado and the money that ignited Los Angeles's auction community will be talked about for many years!!-----proceeds went to Muscular Dystrophy.

Interestingly enough, some of her letters and photos from1981 to 1995 auctioned off to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars also. The exact monies raised per item, according to the article entitled "Princess Diana's Elegance & a Royal Collection" Auction at the Peninsula Beverly Hills--by Dr. Laura Wilhelm, LauraWil Intercultural, are as follows:

-$910,000 for a Victor Edelstein off-the-shoulder Spanish flamenco-style magenta silk and lace evening dress.

-$780,000 for a Murray Arbeid midnight blue strapless tulle Diamante Star gown with a fitted bodice.

-$571,500 for a Catherine Walker black velvet and white lace Victorian revival evening gown.

-$444,500 for a Catherine Walker pink floral shirt dress.

-$390,000 for a pair of green satin Kurt Geiger evening pumps with jeweled vamps.

Sunday, May 19, 2024


 IS THE APRIL  1ST NEW CALIFORNIA MINIMUM WAGE A POLITICAL BURNT OFFERNG, as the saying, "Be careful what you wish for, rings loudly, like a Sunday church bell harbinger of tribulations, heralding in a new time, day or era? Some may find themselves both benefits challenged and in the unemployment line. 

According to, Richard B. McKenzie,  professor of economics emeritus in the Merage Business School at the University of California, whose article, California Dreaming: The effects of California's "Fast Food" minimum wage, ' Faced with an above-market minimum wage, employers will be pressed to offset the money-wage hike with savings in labor costs that can come with replacement of covered workers by uncovered “non-human workers”—kiosk order takers and “burger bots.” These “tech workers” have an enviable market-wage advantage over their human competitors: Their legal California minimum wage is hard to beat: $0.00!'

Furthermore, McKenzie states that the rise in wages will mean losses of benefits, as many minimum-wage workers belong to multiple welfare programs, and cites agreeably with economist Craig Richardson by saying, this leaves ' covered minimum-wage workers facing higher marginal tax rates that are higher than the marginal income tax rates paid by the rich—even higher than 100 percent (which means that some covered minimum-wage California workers on welfare will lose more in benefits than the money they gain from the $4 increase in their minimum wage), an unseen consequence that hardly their incentives to continue working. '

Interestingly enough, McKenzie states, as all California companies were already, in order to operate effectively, forced to pay more than required, the anticipated impact of this new wage increase is likely to do more harm than good--- many minimum wage earners were already getting more than $16, or more before the new mandate went into effect.

In Conclusion, McKenzie hypothesizes a political motivation for the April 1st wage increase mandate as he said, ' Nevertheless, many state politicians continue to favor minimum wage increases. The reasons are not as clear as may be thought: “Politicians want to help poor workers” or “They have simply not appreciated the economics of the minimum wage in competitive markets.” These are not inconsequential points, but they seem too obvious and facile for my academic proclivities. I am inclined to believe that both proponents and opponents of minimum-wage hikes find the political forces behind minimum-wage hikes more powerful than the economic forces. But that is hardly a comfortable admission.'


Friday, March 29, 2024

Los Angeles Fashion Week by Art Hearts Fashion, Thursday March 21, 2024, featured beautiful models and man's best friend. It was a smash success.


Los Angeles Fashion Week by Art Hearts Fashion, Thursday March 21, 2024, featured beautiful models and man's best friend. It was a smash success. Man's best friend, swathed in designer doggie gear yearned to outdo its owners, while warming the attendees' hearts, strutting their little furry stuff down the runway.

Snuzzled and at times muzzled in The New Mart, 12 East 9th street, Los Angeles CA 90015, each designer outfit worn by the trained dogs were accompanied by a human model guiding it, by leash, as onlookers adored the little furry ones and the designs worn by both the critter and the human.

The designers were Nicole Miller, Carmen Steffens, Hale Bob, Michael Costello, Trina Turk, Orlebar Brown, Patbo, Onia, Furne Amato, Walter Mendez, Vilebrequin, Jovani, Cotton INC, Black Tape Project, Mr. Triple X, and Michael NGO.



BLU TALKS OPENED AT UCLA  FEATURING AN ECLECTIC LIST OF SPEAKERS FROM VARIOUS DIVERSE SOCIO-ECONOMIC TRAJECTORIES MARCH 25-26, 2024. A think tank, designed to encourage educated discourse among, featured speakers hailing from all walks of life, and successful business arenas, BLU, which stands for business, life, and th universe, has been featured among impressive venues such as, Apple tv, Imdb, KNEKT, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Amazon, just to name a few.

Cory Poirier, its founder------an Entrepreneur and Forbes magazine columnist-- has implemented this galvanizing exchange within podcasts, book series, and branded talks, hails from Canada---he brands his live BLU events as "Speaking Re-Imagined". 

Most recently on March 25, Poirier interviewed Eric Zuley, known as the "Digital Dick Clark" celebrity influencer, founder of EZWay Network. It is comprised of a myriad of wealth creation podcast, radio, newspaper, marketing and entertainment driven components, among a versatile field of influencers. Zuley replied that his faith in God and his dad, were his main driving forces. Zuley and Poirier, it was revealed during the interview, had collaborated previously within various functions and events. 

In conclusion, the events from March 25th-26 were filled with incredibly talented influencers such as, Anita Parker, tv network actress, Megan Henry, but arguably the most warm-hearted guest, as he brought his love doggie with him, was influencer, Davis Hawn.

The Royal Maharlika Has Issued a Statement Regarding the Unauthorized Use of Royal Titles and Fraudulent Enthronement

The Royal Legal Advisor and Royal Spokesperson of the Royal Maharlika,
Datu Jordan Bowen, Esq has spoken on the ongoing viral posts on social media regarding unauthorized use of royal titles and fraudulent enthronement.

In his statement he said:

"It has been brought to our attention that on March 22 this year, a “coronation” was held at Gawad Pilipino, Euro TV in Manila, Philippines, during which, NGUYEN THANH HANG, a Vietnamese citizen, was “coronated” as a Princess of the Royal House of Maharlika. 

This event in association with EURO TV MANILA, organized by BHAE AMOR ISHAZY MASTURA (BAINOT MAMASASULOG) and LY THAO KY (BUI THI PHUOC THAO), and those held prior to March 22, were held without the consent and authorization of The Royal Maharlika, by individuals who are by no means connected with, or authorized in any capacity to represent the Royal House. 

The Royal Maharlika wishes to publicly disassociate itself as a Royal House from BHAE AMOR ISHAZY MASTURA (BAINOT MAMASASULOG) a citizen of the Philippines, and LY THAO KY (BUI THI PHUOC THAO) a citizen of Vietnam and confirms that neither of these individuals hold any genuine Royal titles or status, despite their misleading assertations.  

As a Royal House, we endeavor to uphold the values, traditions, and culture of our forefathers and that of our people. In protecting such values, traditions, and noble culture, The Royal Maharlika does not bestow Royal titles (Prince, Princess, King, or Queen) to individuals who are not of Filipino descent. Furthermore, we strictly object to the commercialization of Royal titles and work closely with other Royal Houses to safeguard the integrity of the Royal lineage across the Philippines. 

The Royal Maharlika does not recognize, endorse, or condone the actions of EURO TV MANILA, BHAE AMOR ISHAZY MASTURA (BAINOT MAMASASULOG) and LY THAO KY (BUI THI PHUOC THAO and here forth dissolves all Royal Titles bestowed illegitimately on March 22, including that of NGUYEN THANH HANG as Princess of the Royal House of Maharlika. 

Moreover, The Royal Maharlika as a Royal House in the Philippines does not have any embassies, branches, or associations in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. A list of embassies and branches of the Royal House and its Charity, We Care For Humanity, will be issued in the coming days. 

The Royal Maharlika endeavors to assure the public of our steadfast dedication to justice and our unwavering intolerance to the unjust. Your understanding and support are greatly appreciated as we work to protect the honor and reputation of our Royal institution."

The Royal Maharlika has collected the following posts containing the said fraudulent activities against the royal house.


Saturday, March 16, 2024

WCH and Sultanate of Magindanaw Extended Humanitarian Aid to Markadz Al-arfadz Orphanage Center in the Spirit of Ramadan

COTABATO- Following the successful "Kanduli" (thanksgiving) event, which featured the Sultan of Magindanaw's “stepping on white dust ritual”, the We Care for Humanity (WCH) team and the Maguindanao Royal Family offered humanitarian assistance to the Markadz Al-arfadz Orphanage Center on March 11, 2024, in the spirit of Ramadan.

Since 2022, the U.S.-based non-profit organization WCH has been involved in charitable initiatives in Mindanao in partnership with the Sultanate of Magindanaw. 

Leading the delegation was HRH Queen Mariam Leonor Torres Mastura, the WCH founder, who presented the organization's mission and dedication to aiding the orphanage.

His Majesty Zulkarnain Mastura VI, the 26th Supreme Sultan of Magindanaw, along with other cultural leaders:  Datu Habib Mastura- Secretary General of SKDOP, H. Datu Suod Ibrahim- Daram sa Magindanaw, Datu Jimmy Asim- Datu Mompong sa Kutawato sa Magindanaw, Datu Jordan Sinsuat- Datu Dikaya III, Datu Alee Uy- Marajalayla Salamen Magindanaw, Datu Zainudin Anan Kabulan- Datu Lawan na Datu Dikaya, HRH Febs Mastura Matalam, Royal Princess sa Magindanaw, HRH Jasma Mastura Karon- Rajah Bai sa Magindanaw, HRH Harjida Mastura Karon- Bailaga sa Magindanaw, Fatima Abdulrakman- Bailawan sa Dikaya, and foreign guest, Dr. Abdalla Sharief- Datu Marajalaila sa UN, who is also the president of United Nations Correspondents Association of Vienna (UNCAV), shared uplifting messages during the visit.

Ustadz Al-faradh Markadz expressed gratitude for the support and congratulated the newly enthroned Sultan on his prosperous reign.

The collaboration between the We Care for Humanity and the Sultanate of Magindanaw has significantly benefited the Markadz Al-arfadz Orphanage Center. During this 2nd visit, essential supplies such as rice and groceries were provided to support the orphanage's needs during Ramadan.

Their generous humanitarian gestures have truly embodied the spirit of Ramadan, bringing hope and joy to the underprivileged children.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024



HRH Queen Maria Amor's domain appears to be the world, as she jets around the globe either imploring for peace in war torn Gaza, bringing investors to economically malnourished nations, including her homeland The Philippines and various areas of Africa, Vietnam, Cambodia and a plethora of needy nations caught in the cross hairs of her humanitarian missions.

Amassed within this human problem-solving dynamo, who exudes empathy like the sun unleashes nuclear emissions, her various titles, almost overwhelming includes Queen of Maharlika, and Philippine's Princess of Calabarzon; her beauty earned her a Ms. Philippines title a few years ago. 

Interestingly enough, she has spearheaded an investment summit in Uganda called East Africa Global Summit 2024, which is, according to an article posted on March 2023 in's Finance and Investment section, designed to attract over 2000 heads of state and global investors for various sectors, including Uganda's Education and Water Projects Nakasongora Cattle Corridor. 

In addition, the article stated that Queen Amor's efforts were buttressed with an African entourage consisting of Heal the Planet Global Organization, We Care for Humanity's Ugandan country director, HTP President Kivumbi Earnst Benjamin, and Jorum Bukima , respectively speaking. Further strengthening her position, were the accompaniments of Buruuri King HRH Isabaruuli IsaaborongoMwatyansozi Mwogezi Butamanya, and his kingdom ministers---HICGI news also quoted King Kivumbi as saying, as the region's population is so enormous, the largest in Africa and one of the world's largest, he endorses an East African regional bloc, which will have the opportunity to trade with investors on a global scale.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Sultanate of Magindanaw Appoints Emissary to the United Nations

COTABATO - On the 9th of March, the Sultanate of Magindanaw Mandanaue Darussalam, a historic kingdom in Mindanao, Philippines, convened a "Kanduli" ceremony to commemorate the enthronement of His Majesty Abdulaziz Zulkarnain Mastura Kudarat VI as the new Sultan of Magindanaw, succeeding his late brother, Sultan Salem Mastura Kudarat V.

A key highlight of the event was the appointment of Dr. Abdalla Sharief, President of the United Nations Correspondents Association of Vienna (UNCAV), as the International Ambassador of Goodwill (Datu Marajalaila) to the United Nations and the Arab World. Dr. Sharief's primary role is to advocate for the Sultanate's mission and vision within these esteemed institutions.

This appointment was accompanied by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Sultanate and UNCAV, outlining their mutual duties and obligations for the benefit of the Sultanate of Magindanaw.

Sultan Zulkarnain emphasized that the title of Datu Marajalaila serves as an official designation aimed at broadening the Sultanate's reach and enhancing diplomatic relations with the global community. He underscored the significance of nurturing mutual comprehension and cooperation on an international level, outlining the Sultanate's dedication to peace, cultural interchange, and sustainable progress.

The Crown Prince of Magindanaw, HRH Datu Muamar Mastura, expressed his belief that UNCAV’s visit will not only bolster Magindanaw's reputation as a forward-thinking and peace-loving state but also pave the way for future collaborations and partnerships that will benefit the region as a whole.

Playing a pivotal role in this appointment and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), Queen Mariam Leonor Torres Mastura, the Bai Mompong sa Magindanaw expressed her unwavering confidence in Sharief's capability to serve as the Sultanate's emissary to the United Nations. Citing their shared history and his adeptness in engaging with various Arab nations, she vouched for him as a seasoned diplomat with a profound understanding of international relations.

Abdalla Sharief, in his acceptance speech, expressed gratitude for the honor bestowed upon him and affirmed his dedication to representing the Sultanate with integrity and diligence. He acknowledged the rich history and heritage of Magindanaw and pledged to work tirelessly towards promoting its interests and values on the world stage.

Thursday, March 7, 2024




Schiff and Garvey, exploded out of a political electoral blizzard, called Super Tuesday---US 2024Primary votes---which had raged across America, calibrating, crushing numbers, and exhilarated and crushed many would be candidates simultaneously and stole center stage from Trump, Biden, Haley and overshadowed most US and World news---for the first time in over 30 years a man will fill that treasured California senator seat; and the first Jewish male Senator in California as well.

The night pulsated, March 5, 2024, at The Avalon, Hollywood & Bardon, 1735 Vine Street, Los Angeles CA with electricity, music, buzzing from a cacophony of excited attendees, which was shattered when a most shocking and almost morbid shrill mantra exploded, as Gaza cease fire enthusiasts chanted, 'Let Gaza Live.!-------shattering the almost surreal collection of attendees, journalists and musicians' chill zone to the icy bone! An uneasy equilibrium was sustained as if anything could happen, but all remained peaceful and Shiff and his entourage thanked all of his supporters and the night ended on that note.


Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Sultanate of Magindanaw to Host Peace and Cooperation Conference in Cotabato with UNCAV President as Chief Guest

COTABATO - The President of the United Nations Correspondents Association of Vienna (UNCAV), Mr. Abdalla Sharief, will visit Cotabato City, Philippines on the 8th of March 2024. Accompanied by HRH Queen Mariam Leonor Torres Mastura, founder of We Care for Humanity (WCH) , they will attend the Peace and Cooperation Conference hosted by the Sultanate of Magindanaw.

Since the enthronement of the new Sultan of Magindanaw, His Majesty Sultan Abdulaziz Zulkarnain Mastura Kudarat VI, on the 14th of January this year, he and his Cabinet members have been actively promoting peace within the community.

Both the 26th Sultan of Magindanaw and Crown Prince His Highness Datu Mamuar Mastura expressed their honor in hosting an emissary from the United Nations. They have high hopes that this visit will positively impact the longstanding issues faced by the people in Mindanao.

The conference, which will include the "Kanduli" thanksgiving ceremony of the Sultan and the launch of the upcoming WCH Royal Summit, Philippines 2024, is scheduled for the 9th of March at the Royal House of Her Highness Royal Princess Febraida Mastura Matalam in Cotabato.

Sharief shared his emotions on his upcoming visit to the Philippines, stating, "I am excited to return to the Philippines for the second time and particularly eager to explore the captivating region of Magindanaw. Magindanaw holds significant importance in the hearts of many in the Arab and Islamic world as the land of Muslim Philippines. As a fellow Muslim, I feel a strong sense of solidarity with my brethren in Magindanaw and their quest for cultural and economic advancement. As I journey to the realm of Sultan Abdulaziz Zulkarnain, I sense a profound familiarity, as though I already know him despite our yet-to-be-made acquaintance. I anticipate that this visit will deepen our mutual understanding and strengthen our bonds as we collaborate towards shared objectives in economics and human development. Undoubtedly, my time in Magindanaw will be enlightening. I am keen to immerse myself in the rich cultural heritage and witness firsthand the economic strides the region has achieved. Moreover, I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to share our media and development expertise with the African and Arab world, leveraging our established partnerships with international organizations in Europe like UNIDO and the Atomic Energy Organization. The Philippines, with its diverse landscape and vibrant culture, offers abundant prospects for cooperation and progress. Magindanaw, in particular, serves as a testament to the resilience and determination of its people. Together, we can pave the way for a brighter future that celebrates cultural diversity and fosters economic prosperity for all. I am profoundly grateful for the chance to revisit Magindanaw and anticipate the meaningful connections and fruitful collaborations that await."

Queen Maria expressed her delight in fulfilling her responsibilities as Bai Mompong sa Magindanaw by bridging UNCAV and the Sultanate of Magindanaw. "I hold high aspirations for the Sultanate to thrive as one of the most esteemed and influential Kingdoms globally, and I am committed to achieving this goal to the best of my abilities."

Saturday, February 17, 2024



The Los Angeles Latino Chamber of Commerce 's business smorgasbord, bursting with networking opportunities, touted as a "MEGAMIX EXPO", came together February 8, 2024, in San Gabriel's Santa Anita Park, ClubHouse----laden with hybrid businesses, as opposed to thoroughbred fleetfooted world-class horses.

In addition, This conglomeration of businesses offered jobs, workshops, and an ample gifting of food, drinks and an incredible synergy between fun outlets, live performances, and hiring opportunities on the spot. Some of the notables that were present were filmmaker Joss Gomez, celebrity influencers Dr. Eric Zuley( EZ Way NetworK), Dr. Dante Spears, Adobers, "The Filipino Connection", Icon Industries and famous actress Kathrin Pacino, turned jeweler------ her jewelry line Kat Kovin sparking much interest.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

The NSMA exploded in its 2nd Annual edition amidst much fanfare at The Mayan, in downtown Los Angles January 28, 2024.

The NSMA-National Social Media Awards-- exploded amidst much fanfare at The Mayan, in downtown Los Angles January 28, 2024, as social media afficionados jostled for supremacy on its red carpet, networked, and prepared for one of the highest energy events in this early 2024 season so far.

Local influencer Dr. Eric Zuley--accompanied with Dr. Dante Sears---longtime friend with, Cassandra Cooper, producer of this event, of EZ Way Network Wall of fame, was one of its sponsors and presenters--------presented the 2024 Reality star of the Year award.

There were over 20 different categories, containing 6 nominations for each, for this incredible event, which recognized "superstars" impacting Tik Tok, Instagram. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube-----star studded event consisting of domestic and international celebrities, including Host Mirna Velasco, open performer Lika, Fatell, Yng Zuck, Donna Glytch.

Interestingly enough, as Congressional furor roars at Facebook's creator Mark Zuckerberg, demanding an apology for alleged suicides, mental and physical harm initiated via social media, this event, according to The Social Media Research Institute(, November 12, 2023, showed not only the good that this dynamic creates but also some of the charitable worldwide projects, and incredible accomplishments that have positively impacted society from social media.

Monday, January 22, 2024

GIVE BACK THROUGH MUSIC PRESENTS AMERICAN CLASSICS: HONORING LESLIE WEST The Canyon - Agoura Hills, 28912 Roadside Drive Agoura Hills, CA 91301-3304

The Canyon - Agoura Hills, 28912 Roadside Drive Agoura Hills, CA 91301-3304

MusiCares has established itself as a nonprofit in 1989, which helps the music industry with addiction struggles, mental health issues, and a myriad of health and financial problems, in collaboration with Th3Syndicate, Giveback Through Music (GBTM),  and SmashHaus, in its first annual concert showcasing deceased American music icons, on Tuesday January 23, 2024, is showcasing a trifecta synergistic extravaganza benefiting,  musicians, including a silent auction , with a tribute to rock group's co-founder, guitarist and lead vocalist, Leslie West at The Canyon, 7:00 P:M in Agoura Hills, 28912 Roadside Drive, Agoura Hills, CA 91301 . 

This star-studded event, hosted by Eddie Trunk, will unleash a two-hour plethora of foot stompin creators of music including Steve Lukather, Robby Krieger, Tracii Guns, Supersonic Blues Machine, Richie Kotzen, Matteo Mancuso, Stephen Perkins, Alex Skolnick, and Rudy Sarzo---all proceeds will go to MusiCares.

Interestingly enough, MusiCares 2024 Person of the Year is rock legend Bon Jovie. Through financial grant programs and supporting individually strategized networks, they have established themselves as a safety net for the needy within the music network. 

Doors open at 7, with an opening bell for shows ringing out at 8:PM. Different levels of support, which can be attained for its patrons, through meals and various levels of access, are available.
For instance, an online funding campaign is available. General Admission / Cash Bar, 
VIP Table Seating / Open Bar, 3-Course Dinner, Early Access to Venue, Special Souvenir, VIP All Access / Open Bar, 3-Course Dinner, Early Access to Venue at 6:30pm, Special Souvenir / Backstage Access with artists autographs (BYO – 3 item limit); $500 + applicable fees, $2500 + applicable fees, two Drink Minimum for All, respectively speaking.